Two people participating in a nighttime race, wearing colorful tutus and headlamps, running on a path surrounded by greenery.

5 km

The perfect distance for the whole family!
A fantastic event for all ages.  Run, walk or stroll 5km of undulating terrain. 

Our 5km course is fun, fun, fun.  The tunes will be pumping, the lights will be flashing as you start your 5km mission.

Starting at the fantastic Wairakei Resort amidst a sea of colour and DJ beats, you find yourself on a road section to allow the greyhounds to get away. 1.5km in you descend into a trail built in the bottom of a gulley that leads to the most epic long tunnel all lit up with lights – think star wars if you are old enough (kids ask your Dad). What goes down into a gulley must come up and up you come to the second awesome tunnel, also all lit up, and reserved exclusively for you the 5km legends. Huff and puff it is time for a drink and lollies at the Aid station every so conveniently located 2.5km in.

With the sugar fix done, you are on the way home now on a winding flat trail that navigates you back into the Wairakei Resort. The last 300m is all down hill, well except for the final 50m which is slightly uphill, and then it is your moment of glory as you boost down the finish chute to get that nice new Possum 2024 medal that glows in the dark. Hang that on the wall with pride!

Dress up for maximum fun!

Elevation profile graph showing distance in kilometers on the x-axis and elevation in meters on the y-axis, with fluctuations between 380m and 400m over a 5km stretch.