Brighter the gear - better the run 

We're ready to help you light up the night! 

Here at Zeenya we're proud to return for our second year sponsoring The Possum. And if you've seen the race photos, you'll know how amazing bright gear looks at this event. Honestly, it's a match made in colourful heaven. 

You too can have the brightest happiest activewear on the night, you can get your training gear now with 10% off using the code POSSUMONLINE, or at Event Registration on the day. 

Because honestly, who wants to party in the night with black gear? High performing gear that lights you up? We've got you. If you're a pockets gal, check out our Sport Range, pockets not essential? Core Range will help you out. 


Pay for12km get 1.8km for free…


ACTIVV - Stay Dry, Stay Active.